シフォンケーキ(今回は抹茶味)を作りました。 (レシピは我が家のもの)
1 道具等
電動ミキサー ボール(大・中・小) はかり
ふるい(またはザル) ゴムベラ (手動の)泡立て器 シフォンケーキ用の型
電子レンジ ナイフ
・薄力粉 180g
・ベーキングパウダー 小さじ1
・(あれば)抹茶またはカカオパウダー 大さじ2
・サラダ油 90g
・バニラエッセンス 少々
・バターまたはサラダオイル 少々(型にぬるため)
3 作り方
①ボール(中)に卵黄とグラニュー糖120g(60gは白身の方 へ)を入れ手動泡立て器でマヨネーズ状によくかき混ぜる。
(4) (1)と(2)を混ぜる。
⑧ ⑥のメレンゲの1/3を⑤の方へ入れゴムベラで軽く混ぜる。
海外の読者のために英訳をつけました。 2015,6,15
Successful Chiffon Cake (Anna’s Recipe)
(Green Tea Chiffon Cake)
When my son was a high school student, he asked me how to bake a cake, because he wanted to make some by himself and give them to girls who had given him presents on Valentine’s Day.
(In Japan, girls are supposed to give presents like chocolate or so to boys on Valentine’s Day and the boys who were given them usually give something to the girls in return one month later. I don’t know why, but, anyway, many youngsters have been enjoying this custom.)
As I was a full time worker then, I took a day off, and read many cooking books, studied, tried many times and finally completed my own recipe for a chiffon cake. I’m sure everybody can bake it well without fail. So I decided to show it this time.
blender 3 bowls (L.M.S) scales
sieve rubber spatula whisk mold(for chiffon cake)
Tbsp(tablespoon L: 15ml) tbsp.(tablespoon S:5ml)
(ice for whipped cream)
microwave oven knife
For cake
cake flour (180g)
baking powder (1tbsp)
green tea powder (or chocolate powder)
(Sieve these 3 together a few times)
8 eggs
(Let eggs stand at room temperature for 1 hour.)
(Separate the white and yolk of each egg.)
granulated sugar (180g : 120g for yoke and 60g for white)
milk (3 Tbsp)
salad oil (90g)
vanilla extract (a little bit)
butter or salad oil (a little bit)
For icing
fresh cream (200cc)
granulated sugar (20g *25g if you like sweeter)
(if you like) brandy (a little bit)
(1) Egg yolks
① Put the egg yolks and granulated sugar(120g) in a bowl(M), and mix well.
② Add salad oil(90g).
③ Add lukewarm milk(3 Tbsp).
④ Sprinkle a little bit of vanilla extract
⑤ Pour lukewarm water into the bowl(L) and float the bowl(M) in it, and add sieved flour etc. to the mixture in the bowl(M) and mix well.
(2) Egg whites
⑥ Beat the egg whites with a blender in the bowl(S) until they form into stiff peaks . While mixing add 30g of granulated sugar twice (to make meringue.)
(3) (Microwave) oven
⑦ Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C.
(4) Mixing (1) and (2)
⑧ Move 1/3 of meringue(⑥) into the mixture(⑤) and mix them lightly with a rubber spatula.
⑨ Beat the rest of the meringue again, trying to keep stiff peaks.
(5) Baking
⑩ Spread butter or oil lightly on the inside of a mold. Pour the mixture (4) into the mold and bake it in the oven at 180 degrees C for 60 minutes.
(6) Icing
⑪ Wash and clean the bowl(M) and make it floating on the water with ice.
Put fresh cream (200g) and granulated sugar (20~25 g) into the bowl (M) and beat it well. (Sprinkle with a little bit brandy if you like.) Keep it in the refrigerator.
(7) Decoration
⑫ Cool down the baked cake enough. Run a knife around sides and center tube of the mold and invert it. Remove the cake from it and cut it into 8 or 10 pieces.
Decorate it with whipped cream (icing ⑪ ) on the surface or just serve it with the whipped cream.
The secret of successful chiffon cake is beating the mix until stiff peaks form to make meringue. It’s a must!